Bubs just started walking July 4th weekend. He started with walking 4 or 5 steps, from one person to the next. The next day, he decided to be a little more adventurous and walk the distance of a room. Its great when they start walking and are stubbling all over the place, arms in the air trying to keep their balance. Its great to watch and you know they are having the time of their life with their new found freedom.
There is still stubbling and falling and me gasping as he hits his eye, nose, head and thoughts of running to the ER cloud my thoughts. But Bubs is progressing nicely and is roaming the full range of the house. His favorite thing to do is go back and forth from the living room to his room, carrying toys with him and laughing.
This morning, as Im cooking breakfast, I notice that Bubs has been in his room a little longer than usual and I dont hear anything. Thats usually a sign that he is making a doody or doing something he is not supposed to. So, I decide to sneek to his bedroom door and quitely peek around the corner and this is what I see:

Yep, he has learned how to crawl up into his rocking chair. I would love to see how he does this but he refuses to perform while Im in the room thus far. Crawling into his chair has been his favorite pastime this weekend and he does it every time he goes into his bedroom. Hey, I cant blame him, the chair is pretty comfy. Now, I have just one more reason to not leave him unattended!
Another thing we had fun with this weekend was dinner time. Bubs is eating mainly big boy foods now but every once in awhile we 'll give him gerber fruits/veggies if he has not eaten much during the day. He can be pretty picky when he wants to. Bubs can also be quite silly during dinner time. On this particular night, he has decided that he is going to slurp the food off the spoon. Right after slurping he coughed, which resulted in sweet potatoes on him and myself but he didnt mind, he thought it was hilarious:

As you can see, we had a great, fun filled weekend. :-)